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Secrets In Plain Sight

“The most insightful analysis of Buffett and Berkshire I’ve ever read.” Vitaliy N. Katsenelson, author of the Little Book on Sideways Markets

“Jeff Matthews is a great writer, which make ‘Secrets in Plain Sight’ a must-read.” Bethany McLean, contributing editor of Vanity Fair and author of The Smartest Guys in the Room

“Warren Buffett ... is our most successful investor and this book explains why. A great way to start on your path to prosperity.” Larry Kudlow, economist and host of CNBC’s The Kudlow Report

How did Warren Buffett become the world's richest man? The greatest investor of our times? America's most successful business executive? Jeff Matthews, a 30-year Wall Street veteran and incisive Buffett watcher, travels to the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting each year to unlock the “secrets” behind Buffett’s success as an investor and CEO. Matthews's findings: Buffett’s "secrets" are in plain sight, and 49 of them are in this book, including new secrets uncovered at the May 3, 2014 annual meeting.

Jeff Matthews is not like most Buffett watchers, and this book is not like most Buffett books: it is an easy to read, even-handed evaluation of Warren Buffett’s business and investing acumen by an astute, analytical value-based investment manager.

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Pilgrimage To Warren Buffet’s Omaha

"There are very few secrets to be revealed about a man who really doesn’t have many secrets. But this book does take you inside that secret place – the Mecca of the Midwest. It’s very easy to read and full of classic Buffett-isms – well worth the pilgrimage for those of us who don’t own any Berkshire Hathaway shares or for anyone who wants to learn more about investing from the man who says the first rule of investing it to, 'read everything.'" CNBC.COM

They come to Omaha by the tens of thousands, flocking to an annual meeting that has become legendary for investors, businesspeople, and fans of one of the most savvy capitalists on the planet. They come to eat steak, buy furniture at a discount, and bask in the brilliance of value investor extraordinaire, Warren Buffet.

Matthews also applies his financial acumen to harvesting potent lessons from his experiences that you can use as you survey the investment field, from finding how the world’s greatest investor evaluates not only businesses but the people who run them, to the importance of “just reading and thinking” and the value of having a smart, cynical partner. With the dispatches from this exclusive financial carnival, Pilgrimage to Warren Buffett's Omaha puts you at the forefront of an investor's dream come true.

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