Jackie Karneth
(615) 212-8549
Film Rights
Stephanie Furgang Adwar
Attorney Representative
515 Madison Avenue Suite 6W
New York, NY 10022
(212) 725-1818
Write to J. Lawrence Matthews

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One Must Tell the Bees: Abraham Lincoln and the Final Education of Sherlock Holmes is an original work of fiction featuring Sherlock Holmes, Dr. John Watson and other fictional characters introduced beginning in 1887 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, all of which are now in the public domain. These characters are used in the text solely for the purpose of story-telling and not as trademarks. The personality traits of the characters depicted in the book are derived solely from the depictions of these characters contained in the Sherlock Holmes books and stories that are now in the public domain in the United States, not from any of the stories which remain outside the public domain. The book is not sponsored or endorsed by or associated in any way with Conan Doyle Estate, Ltd. or any other party claiming trademark rights in any of the characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Jeffrey Lawrence Matthews asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of One Must Tell the Bees: Abraham Lincoln and the Final Education of Sherlock Holmes.
Above image of the Belle Toute lighthouse, Beachy Head, East Sussex, England courtesy of gravelroots.net. Home page image is the painting used as the cover of One Must Tell the Bees, by Robert Hunt, roberthuntstudio.com.